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As you read thru the virtues below, ask yourself if you have too much, not enough, or are just right. Score yourself as too much with a +1, not enough with a - 1, and just right with a 0
Though usually termed as "warrior", a healthy warrior is more like a good Guardian (not to be confused with the "Caregiver"). Think of this as a healthy police force, "to serve and protect." Unfortunately, many imbalanced people are attracted to fighting and... (Read More Here)
Yin Qualities
Yang Qualities
*Humility is not thinking less of yourself,
it's thinking of yourself less.
-C.S. Lewis
Having a Vision is one of the key virtues of the Space element. Many people either do not feel worthy of having a vision or feel they have too many obstacles or responsibilities that get in the way of following any vision that they dare to even entertain. Either way, not having or following a vision can effect... (Read More Here)
Yin and Yang / Feminine and Masculine are in every element, but often will have more characteristics that line up with a certain side. The qualities of Space element are considered more masculine or yang. But without a certain measure of Yin or Feminine attributes (found more abundantly in earth, air and water) the Space element will be imbalanced. Likewise, if the space element has an over abundance or feminine attributes (earth and/or air and/or water) it will also cause an imbalance that disables its proper functioning.
Space Deficient
From the virtues list above, if you added your number of negatives and they easily surpass your positives then you are probably space deficient. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:
What is "Space" saying to you?
Do you have enough? Are you always busy? Always rushing?
Too many projects? Not enough time? Worried it cannot be done?
Is there a lack of trust in yourself? In others? In the universe?
Are you seeing the bigger picture? Do you have a vision? Do you have trouble acting on your vision?
If this sounds like you, this is indicative of space deficiency.
So, in addition to cultivating the qualities listed above,
you may also want to work with the water element; as water supports space
Space Excessive
From the virtues list above, if you added your number of positives and they easily surpass your negatives then you are probably space excessive. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have too much time on your hands?
Do you feel like you don't know what to do with your self?
Do you have a too many visions for your life;
or a vision that is excessively grandiose,
but without any plans or strategies to manifest them?
Do you often find yourself in dangerous situations due to having too much confidence? or because you give little consideration to consequences?
Too much space can also imply being ungrounded; which can also feel like a lack of security, like an astronaut without a tether.
Whatever the case, if excessive space is the issue then it can be good to summon the air element qualities; as air brings to some discernment and control to the way we move through space. (Working with the Air element may also lead you to the Earth element, as earth supports air)
Space Element Practices
The following practices can be used if you need more Fire (fire deficient). However, if you haven't had a private yoga session or group workshop with one of our Elemental Yoga Therapists these practices may need more explanation and guidance. In that case, we can set up a session for you if you contact us at
As you do the following practices speak inwardly the qualities / virtues in the list below as well as those that appeal to you from the longer list above (under Yin and Yang). Having the feeling of the exercise while you speak the virtue to yourself has a powerful affect on your psyche, helping you to more fully imbibe the power of the virtues and the element. Please do not skip nor underestimate the power of doing this!
Faith: Star Pose, Open Focus Meditation, Contemplate the bigger picture
Detachment: Star, Open Focus,
Selflessness: Open Focus Meditation
Perspective: Banana, Twists, Standing Angle (head upside down)
Risk: Trust Fall (arms and feet out)
Intuition: Open Focus (answers drop into the mind from seemingly nowhere)
Awareness: Open Focus and "Pillow Toss" game
Growth: Star (standing and supine), Contemplate the bigger picture
Courage: Star, Peter Pan stance, Warrior II while subduing earth (need for safety) with feet.
While in Star pose, ask yourself:
What would I do if I had no fear?
What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
Action Steps:
Take the initiative to begin a project
Watch the movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Take more and more risks...
but start small and be practical. Don't bite off more than you are ready for and end up stressed out about it. One way to avoid this is to give the risks you choose a number on a scale of 1 to 10, and choose a 5.
When fear is keeping you from taking action...
Start taking quick, little jumps from squat. It should feel like a playful bounce. Eventually squat down low (like a spring) and jump up as high as you safely can.
Before action one must wind up (or draw back before release / think baseball pitcher). The winding up / drawing back is like gathering wood (which is the same as space in TCM) for the release, which is POWER which is Fire. (space/wood supporting fire). Thus, if your EYT recommended you also work towards increasing your Fire then you can check out the practices to further increase fire here.
Otherwise, below is a succinct asana practice to add to the above. This asana sequence will further open your Liver and Gallbladder which channel the Space (Wood) Element.
Space Reset!
Space Element Meridians
Using your thumbs, press along the lines you see in the charts below. Spend more time at the points you see along the lines and in the sore spots massaging in slow circles. Sore means you need more. However, it should only hurt so good.
No bad pains allowed!