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Please Note: The reader accepts 100% responsibility for any and all use made of any information herein: The FDA, AMA, ACA and similar entities are not likely to have condoned, nor taken an honest review of, anything mentioned below. But please note that the War on Cancer started in 1914, and since then it is likely that donations for cancer research has reached hundreds of billions of dollars, if not over 1 trillion. And yet, as oceans of funds still pour in, there are still only the 3 methods of treatment, the same that have been used for decades: chemo, radiation, and surgery. And yet, diet, which has shown over many centuries to be very helpful if not a cure in itself; and yet, only since around 2012 has diet begun to be merely mentioned in western medical models. To this day, oncologists, as well as other doctors, receive only a handful of hours in diet and nutrition during all their years of study.
With 1 in 4 people in America developing cancer at some point in their life, and the average treatment costing thousands upon thousands of dollars, Cancer is a Huge Money Making Industry!
As much as we need a revolution to combat the evils of corporate governance across the land, we also need a revolution to expose the evils within the "Cancer Industry" ~that is run primarily by big Pharmaceutical companies that have a strangle hold on not only the treatment doctors are allowed to administer and insurance companies allowed cover, but also the education potential doctors are given in our medical schools.
As you study-up at the links below you will quickly get the low-down on this century old scandal.
For those of you already motivated and uncovering information like this, please send any other great resources you don't see below to
Also, i know that so many of you have great healing stories to tell (98% of which having to do with a green diet, zero processed foods and as little salt and sugar as possible); please send that to me as well and we will create a sub-page for them.
Thank you in advance for helping to get this Cancer Therapy Revolution underway!!!
First up...
The following video can be found on Youtube, but i bought it as a DVD long before it made it to Youtube, and just a week before my wife was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. I boutght it at avegan restaurant, not knowing anyone with cancer at the time, and watched it that same evening. I feel that it was absolutely Providential though, because just a few days after i watched it my wife (then fiance) informed me that she had been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and was likely to die. if it were not for this video i would have felt hopeless and of no help to her, but because i had watched the video just a few days before she told me, i was able to respond with positivity. And, after a major diet change and lots of yogic practices and meridian work, she was found to be clear of cancer about 6 months thereafter. The video has great information, but also provides positivity. This is an essential virtue to start with as you embark upon your healing journey!
Healing Cancer From Inside Out - Short Intro:
Healing Cancer from Inside out - Full video:
In many cases, getting rid of cancer is not the biggest issue. It is keeping it away. This requires lifestyle changes, not chemo or radiation; which only buy someone more (sick) time. From the resources you find on this page, as well as many others you will find along this path, we feel optimistic that thru diet, yoga, pranayama [which swami Ram Dev calls "natural radiation treatment"] (and, if possible, Ozone and Chelation treatments) that not only can health be restored but a new level of well-being -and faith- can be attained.
The film suggests The RAVE Diet which seems to be healing Cancer in and of itself; although most of its testimonials also speak of other treatments taken along with the diet.
Another Great video, echoing the same insights above, is called Forks Over Knives. Many people prefer this video to the above one. I use them both to keep myself and others inspired to eat truly healthy; rather than that scandalous food pyramid nonsense.
Every illness beckons us to a lifestyle change, and sometimes that change requires us to turn a full 180 degrees from the way we were living. But this turn is always from darkness to light; not only may we find healing but we also open doors to new and exciting discoveries.
Om Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Lead us from untruth to truth
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Lead us from darkness to light
Mrtyor Ma~Aa Amratam Gamaya
Lead us from fear of death to the nectar of eternal life
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Amen Peace Peace Peace
There is tons more i could say about how yoga and pranayama should be a part of any of these processes. Once i get a chance i will write more. but another huge part of the healing and life-changing process is education. ...And the following links are great places to begin...
Orgone Energy, mentioned in the above 3 links, is the same as Prana, Chi, Ki or in English terms, Life force, and Orgone treatments, such as resting under an Orgone Accumulator Blanket is reported to shrink tumors.
The following info just came in from a friend...
"The Beautiful Truth" about a 15 year old boy from Alaska who was given Dr. Gerson's book as a home-schooled assignment. The movie chronicles his journey in discovery of the correlation of food and cancer. Very eye opening!
Here is the link:
Thanks to Jennifer for this link:
This page is on how meditation and alternative medicine helps people quit smoking.
Body Acidity is another key component to defeating cancer:
Reduce acid with these foods:,,20440834_11,00.html
also avoid onions, its not on the list above, but onions are very acidic
sprinkle baking soda over foods, just a little will reduce acidity in foods
Drink Alkaline water
Even better to drink water treated with black mica:
Remove acidity from the body
1. "Your Food Is Poisoning You," Outside, May 12, 2014
2. "Is Monsanto’s Roundup linked to a deadly kidney disease?," Grist, May 1, 2014
3. "World’s Number 1 Herbicide Discovered in U.S. Mothers’ Breast Milk," Sustainable Pulse, April 6, 2014
The use of Tumeric:
Fermented Foods are also helpful, but not those fermented by salt.
Kombucha tea is also helpful, but keep the sugar content low
MMS (Medical Miracle Supplement)
Truly miraculous! Not just for cancer but has helped and even cured many illnesses. (Note: the FDA wants this product banned and you will read of many warnings about it on the first 5 pages of a google search, but if you go thru the next few links (within hundreds not listed) you can see all of the endless and amazing testimonials that the FDA would dare not mention.
This website gives you the all the info about MMS
It looks to me like they are going to actually sell it through this site, but not yet is my understanding.
I ordered from this place last:
MMS in itself may do the trick, but keeping assisting it as well as keeping cancer away definitely requires avoiding certain foods. A very green diet that avoids meats, dairy, perservatives, and cuts sugar to a mimimum is also known to cure many cases of cancer in and of itself as well.
This link is to help with sleep for cancer patients as well as giving important infomation about the relationshiop between sleep and cancer.
Specializes in Skin Care from cancer depletion"> / 513.253.7171
Thanks to Tom Weldon for the following valuable links:
Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients
Talking to Your Doctor about Treatment
How to Get Quality Rest During Cancer Treatments
Legal Resources for Cancer Patients
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