Acu Thai
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
Thai Yoga Massage in Cincinnati Click Here for TYM in Bali
Typical Thai Yoga Massage is a series of yoga postures while palming and thumbing along the body's energy ("Sen") lines and pressure points. However it is not a typical massage at all. Together these actions result in a comprehensive, full-body treatment that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system and balances the body energetically. However, sometimes the stretching maneuvers get far too much emphasis while acupressure is neglected. Furthermore, knowledge of the energy channels (most commonly known as Sen lines or meridians) to which acupressure is applied is quite limited; and yet it is knowledge of the acupressure points along the meridians that really prepare a recipient for a good stretch, but they also enable the TYM stretching maneuvers to be administered more safely, deeply and effectively. However, it is much more than that, the acupressure points are what really release the healing magic! (Read More About TYM & Acu Thai)

To learn more about the other healing modalities integrated into Acu Thai
I had back pain for many months. I saw a chiropractor, and it didn't help. I had several X-Rays and an MRI. I visited with two spine surgeons as well as a general practitioner and nothing helped. I was prescribed medication after medication and still...the pain was there. After one session of Thai Yoga Massage with Will, the pain was relieved so much, I was immediately able to bend forward again! Thanks again! ~ Brandon
I have received about a dozen Thai Yoga Massages from Will over this last year. It seems that each time I meet with him I find something else that is so therapeutic with this practice. Not only has it addressed all of my physical needs (sore back, shoulders, head etc), it really goes much deeper. I often find out what I am needing in my life (letting go, accepting, relaxing for example) that also helps with the healing process. Without reservation, I highly recommend this practice as well as the Elemental and Meridian work that is all part of the Yoga Clinik. ~ Julie
I had a pain in my neck for years and though I am sure the acupressure and stretching was doing wonders for my neck I have no doubt that the insightful conversations we had about how the elements [earth, water, fire, air space] had been playing out in my life played a huge role in healing, not just my neck, but my spirit. You just don't leave a massage like this feeling better, but with inspiring insights that you can't wait to apply towards a better life! ~ Vicki
In Thailand it is said...
Many people go to get a Thai Yoga Massage
before they see their doctor.
Because they may not need their doctor after the massage.

The Difference between Acu Thai and classic TYM is manifold. But there is not enough room to go into it on this page. And though we could add a page, the best thing to do is experience it for yourself.
'One Acu Thai Yoga Massage
is worth a thousand words!' ~ Mark
Nevertheless, we can explain one important difference Acu Thai has in relation to most other forms of TYM. Acu Thai is much slower; but not because of doing the same kinds of maneuvers much slower, but because we also integrate authentic Shiatsu massage into the practice. Shiatsu has fewer stretching "maneuvers" than TYM because it takes time to really get into the meridians. Furthermore, these meridians relate to specific organs and elements, such as: earth, water, fire, metal and wood. Understanding the organs and the elements that the meridians correspond to gives us some amazing diagnostic tools that, in turn, show us where to slow down and maybe even "dig in" at the acu pressure points to get it unblocked so it can work its magic.
Although I hope I didn't lose you when I said we "dig in" to the meridians and acupressure points, sometimes you need some digging into. But, rest assured that any type of discomfort you may feel during this massage should only "hurt so good!" And, also unlike typical TYM where communication is little to none, we strive to have very clear communication. But not just about any awesomely pleasurable discomforts you may ask us to let up on -or dig deeper into- but a variety of emotions are sometimes likely to come up during the massage wherein we can start to have some awesome elemental insights into whats going on in your life; and what you might do, elementally, to make some changes so that you don't need us to work those stuck emotions out of your shoulders, neck, hips, back, etc, over and over again. You could say it is massage psycho-physio-therapy, but we just call it Mental Massage and, even though you can read more on that below, even that falls short of any encompassing description. ~But hopefully you see why I will just stop trying to explain the depth of this massage here.
Acu Thai
w/ Jade
Jade has over 7 years experience in TYM and is also an Elemental yoga Therapist
1 Massage ~ $99
3 ~ $279 ($aves $18)
4 ~ $369 ($aves $27)
Acu Thai
w/ Will
Will has over 20 years experience in TYM and has been an Elemental Yoga Therapist since 2012.
1 Massage ~ $111
3 ~ $306 ($aves $27 / $102per)
4 ~ $393 ($aves $51 / $98per)
Couples Massage
with Will & Jade
Personalized Elemental Yoga Therapy Program
With Elemental Assessment
Many people arrive at an Acu Thai Massage session knowing that something going on in their life is contributing to the various pains and issues going on with their health. Many others don't make this connection until during the massage when certain questions are posited to the receiver in relation to blockages the therapist is finding in the meridians. (i.e. resentment and regret often show up strongly in the kidney and bladder meridians causing major back issues.) But whether the client comes in knowing or realizes during the massage, in either case, the massage brings the significance of what is going on in one's life more to the surface of understanding how it is affecting their body, mind, mood and outlook. In fact, sometimes people have some clue because they have been in some type of talk therapy or psychotherapy... and usually for years? And, unfortunately, many of these forms of therapy do little to help a person, even after years, because they are only talking about, rather than working thru, what is trapped in the body; and possibly even reinforcing the very behavior patterns that one is seeking release.
Does this sound like you? Scroll down to learn more.
To Schedule An Appointment With Jade Call 513-888-0712 or email her at: ejsong4@gmail.com
Please note: Though strong, Jade is very petite. Clients who weigh over 180 lbs should schedule their massage with Will.
To Schedule an appointment with Will email: vishwayoga@gmail.com
When scheduling by email, please be ready to provide at least 2 dates/times that work for your schedule.
Every Full Body Massage Is At least 95min!
(: but usually closer to 2 hours! :)
Why our prices are so low...
Though we have trained most practitioners of TYM in the region, you might notice that our prices are far less than most practitioners in the area as well. We do this because many people need more than just a single massage or even two massages to work out an issue or to stay in balance. WE hope that doesn't hurt your budget but we know for a fact that it is hard for some of our clients to come as often as they should (not to mention that most insurance doesn't cover TYM either). However, we also know that many of our clients have a well above avg income and sometimes would even like to pay more. In fact, we often have clients that are very surprised by our prices because they have had plenty of massage elsewhere at much higher rates. And yet they recognize our massage is Top Rate and want to give more. And we have no problem with that. In fact, because some people are able to tip more they enable us to keep the price low for others who cannot. So on behalf of those who need us to keep our low prices: Thank You!
Tip Jar
We Love & Greatly Appreciate Tips! But we certainly do not require or expect a tip from anyone! If you are struggling to just to pay for the massage, please do not add worrying about a tip to your struggles. However, if you are doing rather well these days, please consider tipping us at the time of the massage or via our online tip jar. It helps us to keep the prices down for those that who are not doing as well financially while fostering good karma for those who can afford to give a little more.
Please scroll towards the bottom of the purchases page to see the Tip Jar.
Most people tip between $20 and $50.
Elemental Yoga Therapy (EYT)
(Continued from above)
Even under the unlikely chance that you do find a counselor or talk therapist that does know a thing or two about "Bodywork," it is far from likely that they will really understand the details regarding how emotions get stuck in the body, where they get stuck and how to release them from the mind via the body & vice versa. Furthermore, an Acu Thai therapist can take what comes up for you during a massage and know from the conversation that is evoked where you are likely to have energy blocks in the meridians of your body, what elemental energies these blocks are related to, and how to work with the elements to balance these energies. Furthermore, the elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) are related to virtually all yoga practices, and it is with their help that we can craft a very specific Elemental Yoga Therapy Program for you; a program that doesn't just keep you coming back to work out the same blocks with the massage over an over again, nor talk in the same circles about the same issues in your life over and over again ~ as you will learn to finally release them. Thus, the massage therapy doesn't end with the massage but with a carefully crafted program that is specific to your own unique mind-body-spirit constitution and as it relates to your own, personal, distinct challenge.
The program we create for you takes about an hour to put together, as it explains what elemental imbalances you are dealing with in your situation and how to apply elemental practices (including a yoga-asana practice) and elemental wisdom in your daily life. It can also be done without giving an Acu Thai massage first (wherein an important conversation takes place in relation to what is found in during the massage), but is only $49 when added to the massage or a massage package. (Without doing the massage first it is $79, as we still will need to have a conversation that last at least 30 minutes) ~ Honestly, we used to do this for free as we knew all of our massage clients really could use such elemental insights and exercises in their lives. However, this led to such a rapid growth in our clientele that we knew we could not keep it up for everyone; as we were easily spending over 2 hours a day (in addition to the hands-on massage bodywork) making assessments and crafting Elemental Yoga Therapy (EYT) programs.
EYT programs always include yoga routines as you might expect, but we also challenge you to grow in what we call "action steps" which are ways in which the client has always known they needed to grow (at least in the back of their mind) and yet always retracted from doing. Furthermore, we may check-in on you from time to time (but usually only at one's next massage session) to see how such "action steps" and the whole EYT program are coming along, or to see if there is another way or another elemental exercise that can help; and we always enjoy hearing what new insights come up during the process as well as affirmation of our motto:
What's in the way
Is the way !
More About Acu Thai / Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu, TCM & The Panch Maha Bhuta
After the death of the Buddha, the earliest Buddhist monks who traveled to Southeast Asia were accompanied by Ayurvedic doctors. These doctors practiced a healing art that would later evolve into traditional Thai massage.
Traditional Thai massage developed over millennia within the environment of Buddhist temples. It flourished as a way for spiritual people to share the benefits of meditation and compassion in a physical form. It is a respected form of healing practiced today in hospitals and temples throughout Thailand.
In addition to Ayurveda, Thai massage is very similar to Shiatsu massage and many elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in how it works with the Sen lines (or Meridians in TCM, Nadis in Ayurveda). The Ayurvedic and TCM components utilized are based upon the Panch Maha Bhuta or Five Great Elements. There is nothing in healing or life in general that does not fall within these 5 elements. Thus, being that these elements make up everything in the universe, there is always some elemental wisdom that can be gleaned from virtually any body, mind and/or spirit challenge a client is facing . It could be educational, emotional, inspirational and healing; and often it is all of the above. Many of the benefits found in TYM are also derived from Chinese Acupuncture as well. However, the effects of Acupuncture are often hit or miss. Sometimes it works amazingly well and other times you might not notice any change at all; except for the money that is gone from your wallet.
However, with an Acu Thai - Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, we bring all of the above together. And what people find is that, even if it doesn't heal or "fix" something ailing you, in the worst case scenario, you still get a great massage! And! in the best case scenario, not only does healing or relief occur but you also have an emotional release, an energy increase, some ideas of what's triggering problems in your life, as well as insight on how to not only stop such triggers but also how to grow holistically from such challenges as well.