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Great! You've got a Full Week of Free and Unlimited Classes!* Use this time to find the classes that are best for you. ~And don't worry, you will not be automatically ¨signed-up¨ for anything after your free trial; and No Sales Pressure, ever!
Some classes below could be canceled on holidays or holiday weekends. Check your latest emailed newsletter if you are not sure.

Yoga Class Schedule
See the Homepage for Holiday Schedule Changes
6:00pm ~Yin Yoga w/ Will
Let us know what you'd like to see on a Monday morning, afternoon, or after Yin. Email: lotusyogatemple@cincyoga.com
9:30am ~ Power + Dragon Flow w/ Will
6:00pm ~ Beginners/Basics w/ Susan
7:20pm ~ Sound Restorative w/ Susan
9:30am ~ Mostly Yin w/ Nancy
4:00pm ~ TriYoga Flows w/ Mary
6:00pm ~ Sun & Moon Vinyasa w/ Anita
6:00pm ~Yin Yoga w/ Kristin
7:30pm ~ Acro Yoga w/ Jeff & Melanie
10:00am ~ Mixed Levels w/ Ellen
5:00pm ~ Community Yoga w/ Karen
Free/Donation: benefiting Lil' Pantry & City Gospel Mission
11:00am ~ TriYoga Fitness Flows w/ Mary
This class will move to 9:30am on Jan 4th
11:30am ~ Ananda Meditation w/ Kevin
4:30pm ~ TriYoga Therapeutics w/ Mary
If you need any further description of these classes, please let us know by sending an email to: lotusyogatemple@cincyoga.com
New Beginners / Basics
If you have never done yoga before, have taken a long break or just practiced with some videos, this class is for you. You will be slowly introduced to the fundamentals of yoga for a transition into our other courses; or stick with this one. The Basics are always good to come back to from time to time. -The pace is gentle and helps you to slow down, relax, and focus.
Sun & Moon Vinyasa: ☀️ 🌙 🧘♂️
A 90min yin/yang yoga flow based on variations of both Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara) and Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskara). This class brings the heat, balanced with receptive, cooling poses. Class sequences and meditations align with themes of the current solar calendar and moon phases.
Yin Yoga
All levels, including brand new students. Poses held passively for longer durations to allow “release” over stretching. A safe and gentle exercise for the connective tissue. / Taoism teaches us about the Yin and the Yang. To strive for something is considered Yang and to be with things as they are is Yin. Most people today are constantly striving for more and more and more, but never take the time (or may not even know how) to simply be with things as they are. Yang is the striving for life, Yin is the quality of life;what you have achieved that brings you to who you are in the here and now. ~ So if you feel stuck in constant striving, if you don't know how to let go, to turn it off for a while, then you need Yin: Passive, Meditative Stretching that reaches the connective tissues and what's going on deep down inside of you. Students learn to truly Let Go, allow, and be at peace with what is. This is not a work-out. You will not sweat. You will not strive. You will learn to be at peace with your self as you are, here and now.
Mixed Levels:
Experienced beginners, the moderately experienced, and intermediate level students will all get something from this class. There is always room for refined alignment and greater breath control. This class also explores inversions, back-bends, and strong standing postures.
Morning Mantra:
The word Mantra is defined in Sanskrit as ‘mananāt trāyatē iti mantrah’, meaning that which protects (trāyatē) through repetition (mananāt). Together, we explore the sources, pronunciation, meaning and significance of the śānti mantras (hymns for peace) and other verses in Sanskrit. Repetition of these hymns and verses, while a mindful practice in and of itself, is also a way to express humanitarian ideals and manifest positivity. Join in with a pen/pencil and notebook or device.
Power Yoga + Dragon Flow
A gentler version of Power Yoga, followed by a fun and flowing sequence called Dragon Flow designed by the famous yogi anatomist, Paul, Grilley. This class is a great if you are in reasonably good shape and would like to investigate a more vigorous asana practice. Build strength, endurance and flexibility in a supportive, noncompetitive environment as you explore the postures, Vinyasas (connected posture flows) and breathwork associated with the Primary Series.
Acro Yoga
Acrobatic partner yoga.
It's hard to explain, so please check out this video to get an idea of what partner yoga is.
Community Yoga / Free to non-members!
Focusing on releasing tension in the shoulders, lower back, hips and hamstrings through postures and deep breathing. Appropriate for all fitness levels and those new to yoga. Mats provided. Free/accepting donations for The Lil' Pantry and City Gospel Mission, monetary or nonperishable food.
Mysore Style (aka Open Practice: 9:30 to 11:30)
This is the way yoga was practiced before the west came up with ¨Led Classes". Though some experience is required, you can still be at a Basics Level to take this class; and highly advanced students can take this class as well. Its actually the best for both types of students and every type of student in-between. Everyone practices at their own pace and does what is right for them - and without being continually led by the verbiage of the teacher - yet while receiving individualized guidance and adjustments from the teacher. This IS THE PRACTICE for yogis who sincerely want to deepen their self-practice without missing the collective energy and focused environment of a classroom of sincere aspirants.
Note: Some know this practice as simply Mysore Style, but in keeping with the original way it was taught by, Sri Krishnamacharya, in the Mysore Palace of Mysore, India; wherein, there were less rigid rules allowing for more exploration, we feel the need to differentiate it from what it has become in wider circles. You can read more about Mysore practice Here.
All levels: TriYoga Flows is a complete hatha yoga method. In the TriYoga Flows, breath and focus are united with flowing and sustained postures in systematized sequences. Since the method is systematic, students can progress from Basics to Level 1 and then to subsequent levels as they increase their flexibility, strength, endurance and knowledge. Through sustained awareness on all aspects of the practice, the inner flow naturally emerges. This trinity practice is by the nature of its origin, deeply meditative and transformative.
Ananda Meditation
A spiritual support group exploring meditative practices as well as meditations upon the writings Kriya Yoga within the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Sound Restorative ...with Reiki :)
BKS Iyengar is credited with the development of restorative yoga. He noted how pain or injury can result from straining in a yoga pose and he experimented with props so students could practice without strain. He noticed how these modified poses could help people recover from illness by relaxing the body to move toward balance. Thus, this practice is generally for those times when you feel weak, fatigued or stressed from ...Life!
There are also Sound Healing & Reiki components to this class as an extra special healing touch.
Props are provided to create an extra supportive environment.
Inversions are sometimes utilized to reverse the effects of gravity; fluids return to the upper body, heart function enhances, hormone levels are altered, brain arousal is reduced, blood pressure balances and fluid retention is released.
Zone (2) Yoga
This class is primarily for weight loss and heart health, but it also includes some age defying "face yoga" and powerful breathing practices to integrate into your daily life. As for the cardio portion, students should be prepared** to break a healthy sweat.
** If you are familiar with "Zone 2" types of exercise, you know that you should aim for -and stay within- a pace where you are naturally breathing deeper, but not so heavy that you cannot easily hold a conversation. Obviously, reaching this zone varies from person to person. Some people can go at a very brisk pace and still easily hold a conversation, while others need to go far more slowly. However, we will not be holding any conversations; but we may integrate some chanting into the workout. Nevertheless, (and like we say for all of our classes) keep your ego out of it and go at the pace that is right for you!
...Classes we've held in the past ...and could return again (...just keep asking ;)
Acu-Postures (TM)
This educational class/experience combines the healing and revitalizing powers of both Yoga Postures and Acu-pressure!
Bollywood Nights
You might be surprised with the ¨Conscious Cinema¨ of Bollywood and other Indian film makers. Though often an emotional roller coaster, the experience of a good Bollywood film ultimately adds up to an edifying and uplifting life event! {See Movie List, Dates/Schedule}.
Yoga Espresso
Personally, i like to have the Espresso before yoga (at 8:20), but you can have it before or after. As for a description of the class, well, ultimately, that actually depends on whether you have the espresso before or after the class. But since i have my espresso before the class, you can expect it to start with a couple of yin postures. By then the espresso kicks in and we move into a slow flow of sun salutation Aruna that ultimately turns into a high energy flow of sun salutation Maha, then standing some posture, circus postures, vacuuming, watering the plants, breath-work, meditation, etc. Yes! All this in just half an hour! Ah, the miracles of Espresso! (Nevertheless, we recommend that you stay for the next class; described next. In fact, Yoga Espresso is a bit of a training -and definitely a warm-up- for the Mysore practice which follows...)
Mysore & Meridians:
This is pretty much the same Mysore class mentioned above, however, this class will begin with a rolling along the meridian lines using the weighted fitness balls (much the same way a foam roller is used). The teacher will guide students on how to roll along the meridians in the beginning , but it usually isn't long until the training wheels can come off and you can easily do it on your own. Students can continue rolling as long as they like or move into a more typical Mysore Practice (as described above) whenever they want.
Sacred Circle
This is the CYS Sangha: a spiritual support group exploring meditative health & healing modalities: 5 Element Meditations, Meridian Tapping, Mantra, Working with a Wayfarers Staff, Shadow work, World Scriptures, and sharings & discussions on various yogic topics.
Beginner Acro Yoga: it might be best to see a video of this to get an idea. But if you search it on Youtube and you see something wild and scary you found the wrong video. This is a Beginner Acro class. It can be certainly be challenging, but only what your ready for.
Power Yoga:
Beginner/Intermediate - Challenging. Learn integration of breath and movement through Vinyasa (connected posture flows) and proper alignment of postures in the "Primary Series". Vigorous asanas blended with deep breathwork.
Vinyasa Flow: This is a vigorous workout, similar to Power Yoga but with more emphasis on having a continuous Stream of postures linked together like a flowing dance.
(Life as...) Meditation:
Meet and be a part of the CYS community. A Sangha is ones spiritual support group. After we check in with one another we then meditate together using a variety of methods but mostly based upon Vipassana Meditation. No yoga / meditation experience required. Donations are requested anonymously, but not required.
Meridian Yoga:
A gentle to moderate class, sometimes incorporating Yin and sometimes Yang, to open, strengthen and activate the healing energy lines of the body known as meridians.
Yoga For Your Mind
Please Join Dr. Kiran Bhatia to nourish your mind and lift your spirits. "Kiranji" begins the class with a philosophical exploration of various yogic concepts, such as the Ideals behind the Hindu Idols. Characteristic of her teaching, Kiran helps you to relate your own challenges to the typical pitfalls of all humanity; as they find representation in Hindu and other world mythology. Therein one can begin to see what the truly negative and vain idols are: money, greed, pride, envy, etc...
Thus, the Hindu Idol is more appropriately understood as that which represents the Divine Ideal; and the stories behind these Idols/Ideals can show you how one can replace such negative idol-ambitions with attributes-virtues that are in positive association to the Divine. ~This is just one example of how a class/satsang with Kiran may flow, but be prepared for anything. Kiranji's wisdom and approach is unbounded!
Slow Flow and Meridian Roll
Way better and more fun than a foam roller, in this class we roll on weighted "medicine balls." In doing so we get a great fascial release along the bodies healing energy lines, most popularly known as meridians. In the process, you will also learn where these lines are located as well as their magical powers!
Yoga Happy Hour
Unwind from the week. Link breath to motion and clear the mind while increasing strength and flexibility. Open to all fitness levels: individuals who have gotten away from exercise but are now ready to tune into the body, as well as athletes who wish to cross-train and increase flexibility. Its a group class, but thorough individual instruction, adjustments and modifications will be given as needed to meet the needs of all students
Recovery Yoga:
Mainly attended by those striving to conquer substance abuse. Nevertheless, open for anyone who wants to heal in any way whatsoever. Class ends with a time of sharing, prayer and meditation.
Sun Do / Korean Taoist Yoga
Literally: the Immortal Way ~ Sun Do combines stretching and breath control of Hatha Yoga with the movements and ki (chi) flow development of Tai Chi. SunDo predates many Indian yoga and Tai Chi systems, and has been practiced virtually unchanged since it was founded nearly 10,000 years ago in ancient Korea. / A Sun Do practice begins with a series of stretching warm-ups and slow moving sequences which lead into a 40 minute period of tancheon (lower abdominal-embryonic) breathing in sync with Korean chanting that plays in the background. The practice ultimately helps to open the Sacral Chakra for bringing heaven and earth energy to ones center and cultivate energy.
20 minutes of Yoga / 30 minutes of walking/jogging/running / (its up to you) / 20 minutes of Yoga
5 Element Yoga Therapy
There is too much to describe here. Click on the tab above: Lotus Yoga Clinic / Elemental Yoga Therapy. Though that page describes more of what a one-on-one session is like it will still give you an idea of what a group class is like. Class begins with a 20 to 30 minute discussion of the Element.
An Afro-Brazilian art form, a fluid, rhythmic martial art; a ritual; a dance of deceptive vulnerability, wit, and grace. The intricate movements of Capoeira weave tradition, history, spirituality, and philosophy into a uniquely beautiful "game". Probably the most challenging aerobic, flexibility and acrobatic form of art/exercise you will ever find! (Please Note: This can be a very challenging class. If you are not ready to sweat and get your heart pounding, you might want to consider another class.)
Yoga Y Capoeira:
This class is a combination of Power Yoga and Capoeira (see below). You will be surprised how many Capoeira maneuvers resemble yoga postures while also optimizing one of the key ideas behind Power Yoga: Heat! Capoeira Yoga Flow will make you sweat - a lot - and this is great for getting deeper into the postures.
If you are a bit older you might remember a certain president who had "Fireside Chats" over the radio with America. He got the idea from attending Baha'i Firesides. These are informal discussion groups that take on various topics among the world religions in search of truth, common ground, and unity.
Yoga Journeys:
a combination of yoga, meditation, other holistic methods; even a little time for Mysore Style practice (see Mysore description on this page) all wrapped up in one!
Yoga Book Club
Title says it all.
Slow Flow:
Beginners and intermediate students who want to simply relax and open with a slow, non-challenging, practice. Breathe, move, and feel your way through simple vinyasa flow, meditation, and relaxation to harmonize on every level—body, mind, and spirit.
*Hot Salsa & Salutations:
First we warm up with some Basic Yoga Asana, then we learn the basics of Salsa Dancing while simultaneously getting a fun aerobic workout. Furthermore, we learn how to connect with music and others in creative flow. The interplay between focus and flow while attenuating to another person is actually a deep practice; everything becomes yoga when you learn how to connect! (*Hot only implies that you will sweat by your own efforts. We will not be heating up the room.)
Delsarte Dance Therapy:
No yoga or dance experience required. Learn to see, feel, and express the natural art within all things.
Pre-natal Yoga:
After the first trimester, learn different breathing techniques and how to use breath and sound to release pain. Focus on hips and hamstrings to prepare for birth. ** If high-risk pregnancy, need permission from doctor.**
Yoga Pilates:
The core strength of Pilates blended with the holism of yoga. Discover your powerhouse and explore complete range of motion through every major joint in the body in every plane of movement. The routines will focus on using proper body alignment and increasing body awareness to improve coordination, balance, flexibility, and strength. Prerequisite - some experience in yoga or Pilates.
GroovAsana: Get into the meditative groov with this Mysore style class performed to hypnotic beats. It's not anything like your typical class and the music is turned up to the point that even if the instructor says anything it won't bother you... because you won't hear him. Don't forget, you can hang out afterwards for the yoga after-party.
The salubrious nectar of a full yoga practice: Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation.
Not just a work-out regimen, Zumba fuses Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that is thoroughly exciting and will leave you wanting more! Zumba helps you achieve long-term benefits while having FUN in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring hour.
Workshops / Lectures / Firesides:
What If...
all of the world's religions were not only in agreement, but also like the Chapters of One ever-unfolding Holy Book? You may be thinking that this could be a key to world peace (that is) if it had any chance of being true. But, what if I told you there are millions of people all around the world that, already and wholeheartedly, believe in the "Oneness of Religion." And, besides fostering world peace, what if you were to find that this "theory" also brings, not just a greater peace of mind, but a more powerfully integrated heart and mind (aka Yoga). For, until the spiritual oneness of humanity is realized, the energies of the heart and mind struggle to make sense of all of the spiritual divisiveness in the world. However, when one sees how all of the world's spiritual Peaces fit together, one's own spiritual energies begin to better integrate within, and with others! And again, considering the state of the planet, haven't we experimented with spiritual dis-unity long enough? How about trying a new experiment? Instead of spiritual divisiveness, let us explore the powers of spiritual unity. Let us explore...
The Yoga of the World's Religions
Like to see this lecture series again? Contact Will at: vishwayoga@gmail.com