Cincinnati Yoga School | Classes | Trainings | Retreats
Saturdays & Sundays
1pm - 6:30pm
200 Hours
11 hours per weekend x 12 weekends / 132hrs
12 Mysore Classes / 24hrs
12 "Outside Classes" combined with note taking / 24hrs
Readings & Homework Hours / 20hrs
Module 1: April 22 - 23
What is Yoga? / The Yoga of Virtues / The Art of Listening / Spiritual Companioning / The Guru Within
Sri Aurobindo said "All of life is yoga." It sounds nice and profound, but what does it mean? What does it imply? Can we say 'all of yoga is life'? These are the types of questions that will come up again and again throughout the training and throughout life; and all other questions of life reflect back to what is yoga. I.e. What is truth? What is untruth? What is darkness? What is light? How to discern between them? -In other words, every step of life is asking us to discern, What is yoga? Thus, the other components of this module (listed in the title) will give you a great headstart into understanding and practicing the deeper implications of yoga and what it means to be a yogi.
However, do not expect to do much of an asana practice during this module. Instead, prepare yourself to learn some deep listening practices. We all have some elements that are lacking in our lives and in our holistic make-up, and, therefore, inhibit us from reaching greater degrees of light and harmony (yoga) . When we learn to listen to one another deeply we can often discover what these missing elements are in one another, but more importantly (and when deeply heard by another) in ourselves. Thereafter, we can more precisely pursue the "elemental practices" of yoga with a more refined degree of discernment, better enabled to find the missing elements that we need. Furthermore, we learn to communicate with one another on truer, deeper and more effectual levels; which is needed in the world now more than ever!
Prepare: Think of a challenge in your life you would like to work on. This weekend will help you see the opportunity within your challenge and transform it from an obstacle into a stepping stone! In doing so, it is likely to lessen any load you may be carrying and therefore enable you up to be more present and intentional throughout the rest of the training. (Having a goal or intention will enable you to soak in the training more deeply as it will give what you learn something to apply it to!)
Module 2: April 29 - 30
Spiritual Companioning (Part 2)
Those who were "Companioners" in Module 1 will be "Companionees" in Module 2.
Be thinking of a life challenge to work on!
Sacred Geometry / Mystic Anatomy
This module is based onthe teachings of Francois Delsarte. "Delsarte" is very difficult to describe, it really has to be experienced. Nevertheless, here is a try:
The Delsarte System of Expression engages the actual nature of creativity and divinity of expression. It unlocks the manifold magnificent gifts residing within the "Vital", the "Mental", and the "Emotive" (Mind Body Spirit).
All yogis talk about Mind, Body and Spirit but leave this Trinity mainly within the realms of an esoteric concept. Here you will learn to clearly define, claim and harmonize the 3. What was previously intangible esoteria will become a very real and direct experience.
"Delsarte" was a phenomenon that once influenced a whole era in history - particularly drama and dance. However, due to its popularity it fell into misrepresentation and eventually died out as a misunderstood phenomenon. However, around the turn of the century a dancer and yogi named Joe Williams*, was able to revive it's original intentions and remarkably adapt the experiential knowledge it bestows to both yogis and artists of all kinds; and leave you feeling that any sincere yogi or yoga teacher of depth will find it absolutely essential to insightful, graceful, harmonious, inspirational and artful teaching and practice. In a nutshell...
Artists will find the yoga in their art, and
Yogis will find the art in their yoga
Also, as we learn about Delsarte in this module, we find that it lends itself, yet again, to a deeper discussion about the deeper meanings of yoga.
* Though this module is often taught by Joe Williams -the only master of the system in the world (as far as anyone knows) he has become increasingly busy over the years as this work gains in popularity. And so sometimes he is not able to teach this module for us. At present, we don't know, but, if it is the case, Will will be teaching it. Nevertheless, Will has more experience training with Joe than any other student to date and has been offered crtification by Joe to teach the system.
Module 3: May 6 - 7
Yin Yoga / Vipassana Meditation / Actions From Wholeness / Speaking From Wholeness / Asana Languaging / The Mahabharata / The Bhagavad Gita
Yin Yoga
It used to be that most all postural yoga practices were Yang, (active). Today Yin yoga (passive yoga) is becoming increasingly recognized, as it should be, as the other half of a Postural Yoga Practice; not just a missing link but a missing half.
Vipassana Meditation
Vipassana is the other half of both a Ying and Yang practice. However, in a Yin Practice you can most effectively practice Vipassana. Both Yin and Vipassana are becoming increasingly popular among people who are both fit and limber and those who are stiff and/or out of shape. Both Yin and Vipassana can be taught very well simultaneously to a wide variety of physical conditions and personality types. It offers a great stretch to the connective tissue and a great meditation to the beginner as well as the adept. Vipassana also enhances one’s ability to get the most out of all other forms of asana and meditation
Actions From Wholeness - Too hard to explain fully here, but includes speaking from a place of presence and asana "languaging" for effective teaching.
Speaking From Wholeness - The meditative approach to guiding students with your voice.
The Mahabharata: Intro to the Bhagavad-Gita
The "Gita" is considered "the Bible of yoga" and "the world's oldest psychology textbook.” This intro will help prepare you for a deeper understanding of what comes up on the following day...
The Bhagavad Gita
Considered the "Bible of yoga,” and "the world's oldest psychology textbook,” the "Gita" describes pathways of life towards the ultimate states of yoga ...the same yoga promised at the heart of all world religions.
Required Reading: Bhagavad Gita
(Do not expect to understand this book, just become acquainted with it. It will make more sense later on. It can be found on the Ocean Research Library download mentioned in the syllabus, most any bookstore, or ordered thru
Suggested reading: The Mahabharata - can be found on the Ocean research library, which can be downloaded safely and for free in about 10 minutes at:
Suggested Reading: YinSights: A Journey into the Philosophy & Practice of Yin Yoga - by Bernie Clark
Suggested Video: Yin Yoga - by Paul Grilley
Required Reading / Resource: The Heart of Yoga -by TKV Desikachar.
Required Reading: The Wisdom of Yoga -by Stephen Cope.
(The above 2 books are not to be read and digested before or after this module, but should be studied in pieces throughout the entire training.
Module 4: May 20 - 21
Hands on Anatomy (via an Intro to) Elemental Thai Yoga Massage / Meridians, Elements & Organs
We begin with an Anatomy program created by Paul Grilley. With real, living, feeling, flesh and bone examples, Paul makes it clear that there is no style of asana-yoga that is perfect for everyone; and when we expect students to fit certain pre-set molds or expectations - as if it is "the way" - is asking for trouble. With Paul we learn to approach each person's uniqueness authentically. This is absolutely essential knowledge for teaching a safe asana practice.
TYM Practitioner Training Option
This Intro to TYM will be the 1st of 3 TYM practitioner training weekends.
The cost of this practitioner training for those in yoga teacher training is only $500.
But for those who will join this training, but are not a part of the YTT, the tuition is $850.
Module 5: May 27 - 28
Chakras & Elements / The Bhagavad-Gita / The Seven Valleys / The World's Religions ~Cross Referencing for Truth & Depth
Chakra Anatomy
We will take an in-depth look at 7 major chakras, how they correspond to the Panch Maha Bhutas (5 Great Elements: Earth Water Fire Air Space), how they affect our behavior and health, and how to assess whether they are balanced (...which is also an intro to the 5 Element aspects of the Advanced level training.)
Cross Referencing For Truth
Are the world’s religions really at odds? Or does humanity have an odd tendency to create arbitrary divisions when challenged by the divine wisdom of paradox?
Required Reading: Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers by Harold Rosen
The Seven Valleys
Understanding this Book is greatly aided by knowledge of the 7 major chakras. In turn the Book helps us to understand the providential life experiences relate to the 7 major chakras. Written by Baha'u'llah, who was unlearned in Sufi mysticism (nor ever entered any school whatsoever), He nevertheless, inspired the learned Sufis of the day to refer to him as (a Sufi) "Master". His book is in response to perplexities put forth to Him by an adept Sufi in reference to the deeply esoteric poetry that is strongly webbed into Sufi and Islamic teachings. Therein, we also find—by cross referencing for truth—that the chakras referred to by the Hindu mystics are simultaneously illuminated in terms of life stages ("valleys").
Required Reading/skimming: The Seven Valleys, by Baha'u'llah
(Do not expect to understand this book, just get acquainted with it. It will make more sense later on. It can be found on the Ocean Research Library program; which can be downloaded safely and for free in about 10 minutes at: Or it can be bought at Amazon.)
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Patanjali's 8 limbed path of yoga. The first 5 limbs comprise Hatha Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara) and the remaining 3 comprise the meditative stages of Rajah Yoga (Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi).
Required to Review: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
(Dont expect to understand the Sutras without commentary, just get acquainted. It will make a little more sense later on in light of the other books. The Sutras are also already included in both of the above mentioned, required books: Desikachar and Cope)
Elemental Thai Yoga Massage
Practitioner Training
(Part 2 Optional)
June 2nd: 6 - 8pm
3rd & 4th: 1 - 6:30pm
This will be the 2nd of 3 TYM practitioner training weekends
(The 1st being Module 3's Intro to TYM / See Above).
Module 6: June 10 - 11
Ayurveda Essentials / Diet of Compassion / Karmic Footprint / Symbolism of Reincarnation
Discovering your Dosha (Ayurvedic Constitution) and learn why what’s good for others (in terms of diet, exercise, approach to life, etc.) may not be good or optimal for you—and the reverse.
Softening Your Karmic Footprint
Perhaps you have heard of your Carbon Footprint and how it affects your Self and the world in ways you may not have been aware of. Similarly, the way in which we lead our lives affects the macrocosm in ways we have not previously imagined. In this segment, we will have a discussion that penetrates many veils on the surface of our minds that could be easily brought down ...but more often are ignored.
Understanding of Reincarnation Symbolically & Archetypally
Cross Referencing For Truth (see Module 5) students will find that there is far more to learn from the symbolic understanding than the literal; and also come to know why so many of the most scholarly and revered yoga teachers, whether believing in a literal theory of reincarnation or not, have advised students not to dwell on thoughts of past lives, but to concentrate on this life, nay, this very moment. Also, in this way, we build a common ground for a more ready dialog between those who believe in reincarnation and those who do not, while broadening the comprehension and appreciation of these deep symbols for both.
Karmic Beliefs relation to Caste-ism and Racism
As sincere yogis we should not only be concerned for ourselves but the condition of the world. There is a tragic misunderstanding about karma that has wreaked centuries of devastation upon India's downcast. The roots of Caste-ism are strikingly similar to America's racism. In both places, they deeply persist though many largely deny it. Such blind spots are rooted in ego and keep the complete yoga of humanity still at bay.
Suggested Books:
World Peace Diet (by Will Tuttle) is not mandatory to acquire, but in the next round of training modules it will be Required, not Suggested. In other words, i highly encourage you to get it. I found it at Loving Hut for half the cover price. Even cheaper, used versions can be ordered on Amazon. As usual however, you don't have to complete any of the books before the modules.
Ayurveda and the Mind- by David Frawley (-Formerly a required reading. It is still highly suggested for anyone who wants to go deeper into the niche of Ayurveda in relation to psychology.)
Elemental Thai Yoga Massage
Practitioner Training
(Part 3 Optional)
June 16th: 6 - 8pm
17th & 18th: 1 - 6:30pm
This will be the 3rd of 3 TYM practitioner training weekends
(The 1st being Module 3's Intro to TYM / See Above).
Although this will be the final weekend of the TYM practitioners training, students will still need to complete 10 practice massages; including one on the teacher (or someone else designated by Will -usually Jade) wherein they will receive much constructive feedback. (Takes at least 3 hours!)
Module 7: June 24 - 25
The Art of Seeing; Eye Yoga / Desktop Yoga, Chair Yoga, Restorative Yoga
The title of this module is self-explanatory, but because we work a lot with the eyes, students who wear contact lenses should be prepared to bring regular glasses ~ and of a weaker strength if possible. (So hopefully you held on to some old lenses before downgrading to stronger ones). Also please resolve to wear your lenses as little as possible during the weekend and only when needed thereafter; using them only as a tool when requred, rather than a constant body appendage. Otherwise many of the benefits that are possible -within this one weekend- will either not be attained or, even if they are, the eyes may go right back to the way they were. This is because the strength of your current prescription will be too strong and thus reharm your eyes back to where you started. Also, please be advised that working with the eyes is also a powerful method of quieting the mind -which in turn can bring up some "stuff"-even repressed memories. However, it usually just manifest with some achiness and perhaps a few tears. But don't worry... its a good thing!
In addition to the main topics of this module we will spend a lot of time going over asanas and allowing for anyone whe feels ready to do a practice teach in which supportive feedback will be given. (Let me know if you are ready to try it!)
Module 8: July 1 - 2
Living It: A Silent & Sincere Weekend of Continual Practice (...Field Trip Possibility!)
Much of what we do in this module is a refresher in which we put together many of the things we have learned thus far throughout the training. (For those new, or recently having started the training, it will be something like a summary of many things to come.) Though there will be clear and complete instructions, students will refrain from unnecessary communications *including meal times and while at home* as an opportunity to glimpse the awakening power of silence. We will also have longer sessions of Asana, Pranayama and Meditations; including a variation upon the Zen Vision Walk we did in module 7. Therefore, just as in module 7, if you wear contact lenses bring something so you can take them out, and if you wear glasses bring a weaker prescription if you have one. ( may not need the strong lenses again unless you force your eyes back into them.)
Required Reading: Chapter 9 in Stephen Cope's book, The Wisdom of Yoga
(As with all readings they do not have to be done before a module, however it is highly suggested to read and re-read chapter 9 of Copes book before, during and after the module.)
Suggested Reading: Eat, Pray, Love - by Elizabeth Gilbert
Module 9: July 8 - 9
Progressive Revelation / Lay Lines, Meridians, Mandalas, Mayans, Mound Builders, Masons and Martians / Seeing the Future thru the Ages (Yugas)
After a review of the history of yoga and the concept of Progressive Revelation, we will become acquainted with those Avatars and Saints who have been attributed to helping its global spread. Thereafter, we will explore the future of yoga. This will include New Age mysticism with age old insights, quantum physics, sacred geometry, crop circles, the implications of individual, internal evolution and the collective, planetary, spiritual revolution.
Suggested Reading: The Yugas (Crystal Clarity Publishers)
Required Reading: A New Earth - by Eckart Tolle
Suggested Reading: The Kitab-i-Iqan - by Baha'u'llah
Suggested Reading: Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe - by Michael Schneider
Module 10: July 22 - 23
Practice Teaches / Yoga Alliance & The RYT Monopoly / Business & Liability / Feng Shui, Organization & Magnetism
Besides practice teaches, we will learn about Yoga Alliance (and why you probably won't need them). Depending on the time, we may also begin looking into the topics of the next module. We will also discuss some very practical matters with getting started in the arena of teaching, such as insurance, making a living, and running a business. How to become a magnet to draw in the things you need for success. Beyond this we will take a look at various things that may not have gotten enough attention in previous modules.
Suggested Reading: Teaching Yoga: exploring the teacher-student relationship - by Donna Farhi
Module 11? Final Practice Teaches / Misc. Overflow
This module may or may not happen. It depends on if we are behind in training. If it does happen it is usually just one additional day. DATE: TBD
Graduation: Tentatively July 30
Meditation Initiation / Graduation Ceremony:
The meditation Initiation involves sitting in stillness for one full hour!
We encourage you to start practicing Now!
The Graduation Ceremony will follow the Initiation.
The entire process will take about 3.5 hours in the afternoon.
Syllabus Books
This is a succinct list of books taken from the syllabus above.
However it is highly suggested that you read the syllabus before ordering the books or sending in your application.
Required Reading: Secret of the Yamas - by John McAffee
Suggested Reading: The Yugas - Crystal Clarity Publishing
Suggested Resource: Trigger Point Therapy Workbook
Suggested Resource: Meridian Chart
Suggested Reading: Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark
Suggested Video: Yin Yoga - by Paul Grilley
Suggested Reading: The Mahabharata - can be found for free online in both written and movie forms.
Required Reading / Resource: The Heart of Yoga -by TKV Desikachar.
Required Reading: The Wisdom of Yoga -by Stephen Cope.
(Do not expect to understand these next 3 books, your current task is just to get acquainted with them. The Sutras are also already included in both of the above mentioned, required books of Desikachar and Cope)
Required to Review: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Required to Review: The Seven Valleys, by Baha'u'llah
Required Reading: Bhagavad Gita
Required Reading: Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers ~ by H.Rosen
Suggested Reading: Take Off Your Glasses and See - by Jacob Liberman
Required Reading: Chapter 9 in Stephen Cope's book, The Wisdom of Yoga
Suggested Reading: Eat, Pray, Love - by Elizabeth Gilbert
Required Reading: A New Earth - by Eckart Tolle
Suggested Reading (Esp f you liked the above mentioned 'Founders of Faith'): The Kitab-i-Iqan - by Baha'u'llah
Suggested Reading: Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe - by Michael Schneider
Suggested Reading: The Yugas: Keys To Understanding Our Hidden Past ~by Selbie and Steinmetz
Suggested Reading: Teaching Yoga: exploring the teacher-student relationship - by Donna Farhi