Vishwa Yoga Journey
Warning! This page is not a formality.
We Need you to actually read it for the smooth running of our journey
You actually Need to read it so you do not get yourself into something for which you are not ready.
For Those Participating In the Vishwa Yoga Journey / Training that is held abroad (usually in India and/or Bali, Indonesia), in addition to The Application / Waiver we also need you to read, thoughtfully acknowledge, and agree (sign) to the following:
Yogic Lifestyle
It is important that you understand that whether you are participating in this journey as one who is enrolled in the yoga teacher training or simply as a tourist or spouse coming along for the ride, that everyone involved -whether in the yoga teacher training or not - is expected to respect all aspects of this yogic journey; even outside of the yoga classroom. Therefore, whether as a yoga trainee, spouse or tourist, you agree to attend the classes and abide by a yogic lifestyle to the best of your ability. This will include abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and other drug-like substances.
On the other hand, if you are sincerely wanting to quit smoking we encourage you to come anyway; but if you ever feel decidedly compelled to act upon your addiction then it should not be done as a social thing. Rather, it is to be done away from the group (especially considering that someone else may be trying to quit as well). However, in terms of alcohol, there is no exception. In other words, if you feel great apprehension at the thought of going without alcohol for just this 1 month then we do not recommend that you attend; and we highly encourage you to seek further help! On the other hand, if you think it may be a bit of a battle but one that you can win, then we encourage you to still come; and thus have the powerful support of our yogic schedule, our yoga group and our yoga group's endeavor to support one another in a yogic lifestyle. (However, no one needs to know of your challenge with alcohol or any other substance.)
Furthermore, we want everyone to support healthy habits in general. There are many things that many people do not consider addictions. For example, we have had well meaning students bring back pastries from a nearby bakery in Goa before the morning asana practice. It was not a big deal for this naturally lean person, but some of our group were trying to lose weight and/or get off refined carbohydrates. There is not enough room here to give other examples, but we feel that we shouldn't have to if we can just bring more awareness to the fact that, although some people are not trying to make any big changes to their lifestyle, there are some people that are trying to put their lives on a strong healthy track; adhering to a yogic lifestyle to the degree that such a "live-in" training can give, but only to the degree that those we will be living with are also on board.
Furthermore, this training encourages a vegetarian lifestyle. Therefore, whether or not you are enrolled as a yoga trainee, you are expected to adhere to a vegetarian diet. (Veganism is not required). Though there is no requirement or expectation that yoga trainees will continue to refrain from meat or alcohol (etc.) after the journey, we do feel that an aspiring yogi should be able to do this for at least this 1 month of their life.
This program should not be approached as a kind of "yoga singles" opportunity; nor should anyone seek "opportunities" to get out and about for romantic interludes, to find a club, party-party, or anything similar; nor should you agree to meet with anyone outside of our group for any such thing, nor anything thing whatsoever; nor ever accept a ride ("down-beach" for example) from anyone who is not associated to our travel team. Indeed, whenever away from our core group you should practice "collective security" -just as local women and youth do. In other words, do not go anywhere alone; and always let someone from our group know where you are going and with whom -from our group- you are going with. You are also expected to be on the various resort campuses we stay at by the designated times that are given. In other words, Yes, there is a curfew. But, this is not just for your safety but to maintain the yoga training schedule / discipline / lifestyle. Thus, (once jet lag is over) students should have no reason to be coming to class unable to hold their eyelids open. In fact, this is a great opportunity for most people to get their life on (or back on) a healthy schedule, so take advantage of the schedule this live-in training presents as a yoga practice in and of itself.
On the other hand, if anyone repeatedly comes back late or leaves campus for the night, or (much worse) brings back to our group someone they have met while out and about, they may be asked to leave our group, along with their new friend, to pursue an alternative journey of their own standards.
Notwithstanding, sometimes real "love happens" ~and we are actually happy for you if it does, but under proper circumstances. If it is truly meant to be, it will be. Thus, no reason to go sneaking off. However, also, "if it is truly meant to be," then any sexual activity - or even just snuggling together - can wait til our yoga journey is over.
Of course, if your pre-existing spouse / partner/ significant other comes along for the journey then we will already plan for you to be roommates. But again, if you have come on Solo for this journey (as most people do) then you must always sleep in your own room, where your own roommate is. (The roommate of the person you are hoping to find true love with will appreciate this too!) Furthermore, public displays of affection are not only very inappropriate at many places in India, but in some places it can even be dangerous. (i.e. I have heard of police beating some young couples for not just a public display, but for even hidden, non-displays, of affection; such as hiding behind some bushes in a park or something. However, the last time i heard a story like that was probably over 10 years ago. Things are changing, but I keep the warning here to emphasize the point that you are not in Kansas anymore.)
The following may be a bit exaggerated, but, nevertheless, I prefer to clearly advise you now than for you to ever feel like you were not advised (warned) of the following after you get there...
It is bound to happen, somewhere (though much more likely in India training/tour than in Bali), at some point, or maybe even several points over the course of a few weeks, that maybe, just maybe, you get a bit uncomfortable, even irritated, and maybe, just maybe, feel like complaining. This is quite understandable and even totally acceptable ~within reason. But we also have an expectation that you are truly wanting to develop yogically in a real-world kind of way; and also have a real experience of India, which cannot happen from a tour of 5 Star hotels. So, hopefully, by now it should be obvious that this is far from a luxury "yoga" experience, nor do we even try to protect the padded bubble that westerners generally are accustomed to. Thus, let us be real, and, let this be clear: Although we certainly have many beautiful, magical, fairy tale-like experiences, what fairy tale is without a little drama? If there is no drama then there is no tale to tell. And don't forget, we also call this journey an "adventure;" and what true adventure would be devoid of tests and difficulties?
In the Bhagavad Gita (considered "the Bible" of yoga) there is an entire chapter entitled The Yoga of Disappointment, as disappointment (or having one's bubble burst) is a necessary tool for yogic development. Furthermore, in the Baha'i Writings it is said that "Tests and difficulties do not come to us by chance, but by the Divine Mercy for our own perfecting." In fact, most religions, if not all of them, emphasize this concept. Thus, as far as the yoga training goes, we actually think it is a good thing that we all have our comfort levels challenged from time to time; nor could any true experience of India happen without such challenges! ~But don't worry, you will also get plenty of yogic peace and harmony as well; but perhaps it comes more meaningfully after you return home; a home that will look much different as you also bring back with you a realization that you have become much larger than before you departed (multiply that by 10 if you are coming to India).
Hopefully all of the above was more motivating to you than intimidating. Nevertheless, we still want to keep it real with you that this adventure is not for everyone. In turn, the entire group needs you to be real with your self about whether you can make your way thru India without a lot of drama being brought up in your self; especially if, in turn, it affects the group dynamics. Thus, we have come to believe it is important to both repeat the following warning below (that was hopefully already brought to your attention with a picture of a skull and crossbones on the main India landing page) and also ask you to sign / agree that...
Ye Be Warned!
This Training / Adventour is NOT for everyone!
If you know you are one prone to often complain ~ even while knowing it probably isn't going to change anything;
if inconvenience & moderate discomforts disturb you to no end; if you literally need air-conditioning in your life;
if a dozen red ants at the entrance of your bamboo hut can keep you from entering; if mosquito's throw you into conniption fits;
if sleeping overnight on a rickety train sounds like punishment for a lifetime of bad karma;
if using a far from spotless squat-toilet illicit's a sense of horror in you;
If barking dogs, crowing roosters, heat, traffic, crowds... you get the picture.
And all of the above is inherent in the nature of this experience:
the challenge, the unexpected, the unknown,
stepping outside your comfort zone.
This is not a vacation!
Nor is this simply a tour.
We really mean it when we say Training;
and we really mean it when we say Adventour!
I have read the above warning and, in accepting this challenge via my signature below, I promise to do my best to not just refrain from excessive complaining, but also to see(k) the good or virtue that can be cultivated from every challenging situation.
By Typing Your Name On The line You Are
Stating That You Agree.