Syllabus Books
For Both 200 and 300 Hr Trainings
All readings are supplemental (with the exception of the Vishwa Ayurveda training manual for those in the 300hr training).
Please note that next to the books it says "200" &/or "300" indicating which training the books correspond.

Vishwa Ayurveda Training Manual
Written and Compiled by Will
This book is required for all Vishwa Ayurveda 300hr Trainings.
Students will be given a Free E-Version of the Manual
- as it is easier to travel with -
but printed versions can also be purchased:
If you purchase it abroad it will cost about $20 to print it;
or $30 if you want a color version.
Required & Highly Suggested
Readings / Resources:
The Required Readings are underlined. The others are suggested. Note that some say "200" &/or "300" implying the required readings for the RYT 200hr training or the RYT 300hr training.
Awakening The Heroes Within - by Gloria Pearson / 300
The Web That Has No Weaver - by Ted Kaptchuk / 300
The Wisdom of Yoga - by Stephen Cope / 200 & 300
The Spark in the Machine - by Daniel Keown / 300
The Heart of Yoga -by TKV Desikachar / 200
Integral Healing; Sri Aurobindo and the Mother / 300
Secret of the Yamas - by John McAffee / 200 & 300
(This book is often out of circulation, so don't worry if you cannot acquire it; but feel lucky if you find one.)
A New Earth - by Eckart Tolle / 200
Trigger Point Therapy Workbook - by Clair Davies / 300
The Bhagavad Gita - Try to get a small copy without commentary. You can easily find one for free online. / 200 & 300
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / 200 & 300
The Genius of Flexibility - by Bob Cooley / 200 & 300
Stripping The Gurus - by Geoffrey Falk / 200 & 300
(This book can be found free online HERE)
World Peace Diet - by Will Tuttle / 300
Astanga Practice Manual - by Doug Swenson / 200 & 300
Other Suggested
Readings / Resources:
Awakening The Heroes Within - by Gloria Pearson / 200 (required for 300)
Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine - any translation / 300
​Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe - by Michael Schneider / 300
The Yugas: Keys To Understanding Our Hidden Past ~by Selbie and Steinmetz / 200 & 300
The Mahabharata - can be found for free online in both written and movie forms. / 300
The Seven Valleys - by Baha'u'llah / 300
Yoga Body - by Singleton / 300
Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers ~ by H.Rosen / 200 & 300
Ayurveda and the Mind, Dr.Frawley / 300
Psychotherapy East and West - by Alan Watts / 300
Quitting the Habit of Being Yourself - by Dr. Joe Dispenza
/ 200 & 300
Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude) - by Baha'u'llah / 200 & 300
(Especially if you liked the above mentioned 'Founders of Faith')
Yin Yoga - by Bernie Clark / 200 & anyone who wants to focus on Yin in their teaching
Video: Yin Yoga - by Paul Grilley / 200 & anyone who wants to focus on Yin in their teaching
Animal Speaks - by Ted Andrews / 200 & 300
Earthing - by Ober, Sinatra, Zucker / 200 & 300
Yoga for Cancer; Bijoylaxmi Hota / 200 & 300
Yoga for Diabetes Relief; Bharat Thakur / 200 & 300
Yoga for a Healthy Heart; Bijoylaxmi Hota / 200 & 300
Green Remedies: Healing Power of Herbs, Dr S. Babu
It's Not Your Fault - by McGraw
Re-Connect Your Dots, through the Anatomy Trains: A movement language... - by Suzi Alderete / 300
Teaching Yoga: exploring the teacher-student relationship - by Donna Farhi / 200
Take Off Your Glasses and See - by Jacob Liberman / 200 & 300
(Video) Healing Cancer from the Inside Out -by Mike Andrews
(It's not just about cancer, but also many other food related diseases; also gives a history of Homeopathic and Allopathic medicine; also has a book to companion the video) / 200 & 300
The Lorax, Sr Seuss / 200 & 300
Eat, Pray, Love - by Elizabeth Gilbert / 200 & 300
Three Cups of Tea - by Greg Mortenson / 200 & 300