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The Yoga Health Care Act

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Whether Demoblican or Republicrat, Liberated or Constipated, Etc...
CYS now has a health care plan that's got you covered!

You may already be a winner! 
You see, CYS has had a point system for quite some time and almost everyone has already acquired many points! I guess you could say we have been holding a secret health care plan for you. And now, not only can you use your points toward free Yoga Classes or Thai Massage discounts, but also towards the Lotus Yoga Clinik !

And let me tell you, it's really tremendous, I mean super, even Bernie likes it. In fact, he says this point system plan is even better than the Single Payer system he is always touting. But let me explain more about it, because you won't hear anything about it in the fake news:


It's sort of like Self-Subsidized & Socialized Single Payer (Yoga) Health Care
...but much better, because its YOGA

Every time you attend a class you earn 100 points; and for even small things you earn 10, 20, 30 points, etc.. that you can redeem for free classes. Or better yet, don't redeem them. Hold out til you get more points! The more points you get the more you can add them toward greater yoga health care coverage such as the services you see below:

750 Points =  

  • 1 Free Yoga Class

  • $15 off a Jade Thai Yoga Massage (see Jade's price list below)

  • You also will receive 750 points just for having a birthday :) So try to have lots of them!

1500 Points =

  • 1 Free Vishwa Ayurveda** session at Lotus Yoga Clinik ($60 value) 

  • $25 Off a Jade Thai Yoga Massage or package of massages

3000 Points =

  • 2 Free sessions at the Lotus Yoga Clinik** ($115 value)

  • 5 Class Pass (transferable / great gift idea!)

5000 Points =

  • 1 Month Unlimited Classes 

  • 10 Class Pass

  • 3 Free Visits to the Lotus Yoga Clinik  ($150 value)

  • $50 Off A Thai Yoga Massage Package of 3 or 5 Massages from Will or Jade

You also earn about 10 to 50 points for doing things like sharing that you attended a class or for writing a review for Facebook or Twitter; even for coming to donation based classes*

And the amazing thing is...
Many students who have been coming to CYS for a while have

somewhere between 2000 and 3500 points already saved up for them!

But what about those students who have Unlimited Class Passes? You cannot give free classes to someone already on an unlimited agreement! This is grossly unfair! We'd better repeal the whole thing before millions of yogis die!

Actually Ted, Yes we can! These pass holders (especially those on "auto-renew") bring stability to the whole system so we really want to reward them. So they too can earn free classes. All we need to do is put their unlimited class passes on hold while they collect their loot.   Unlimited passes are also where the beauty of the Yoga Clinik and Thai Massage services kick in the most because these members are able to rack up free Clinik sessions and/or discounted Thai Yoga Massage sessions quicker than anyone else.

The greatest gift is health.

And now,

from the bottom of your heart, 

you can give your health care points to others.

 Sharing is Caring!

Perhaps this is the best part of the program. Let's say you are feeling great, your finances are good, and because of your gratitude for your good fortune you want to spread your yoga health care love to others. Well, the YHCA makes that easy by allowing you to give your unused points to those who need them most; for a trip to the yoga clinik, a Thai Yoga Massage, even just some free classes. You can even give your points to someone who has never been to CYS.

Wow! I feel warm and fuzzy all over

just thinking 'bout folks
sharing all that yoga love!

as Sri Sri Obama said, many times...


 ' If you can come up

with a better yoga

health care plan,
put it on my desk.
I will be the first

to sign it! '


Next time you come in for a class just ask us how many points you have and/or to redeem them for free classes or services of your choice.


*Donation based classes earn 20 points (provided that you sign in online).

To learn more about the
** Lotus Yoga Clinik **

Click Here


The values given to the point system at this time are subject to change as we assess how often students take advantage of it.

New services/rewards will be added in time as well. 

Questions about Classes, Training, Retreats, Gap Year?
Want a Full Week of Free & Unlimited Yoga Classes?

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